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Why Choose ShineBright?

Well thought out clinic, staff, and care

We are a Community-Oriented Primary Care Physical Therapy practice, proudly serving South Orange County with a prime location in Laguna Hills. We simply have one goal in mind: to bring a quality and accessible Primary Care Physical Therapy practice to individuals and families in our community and thus ensure that all patients receive the best rehabilitative care possible they deserve. 

What patients can expect in our clinic

Highly qualified physical therapists who truly care about patients

As caring and competent healthcare professionals, we believe that smile is the best medicine. As much as we love our family, we understand that each patient is also a beloved family member, so we do smile and care about our patients truthfully.

A full continuum of care with outpatient and home health therapy

Acknowledging that each patient may require different level of care ranging from skilled manual therapy to maximum assistance in functional mobility, we aim to make critical rehabilitation services accessible to all.

One-on-one session entirely with primary care physical therapist

All patients receive treatment only from his or her primary care physical therapist in every session. Our therapists are committed to giving their full, undivided attention to each patient during the entire 45 minutes session.

Evidence-based practice standardization and personalized care

Not only do we strive for excellence in our clinical skills and knowledge by integrating the latest scientific evidence, but we also prioritize the patient goals in establishing the treatment plan to ensure that each patient makes meaningful progress in functional recovery.

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